Japanese New Year Traditions: A Cultural Journey Through Osechi Ryori and Mochi Making

The Japanese New Year is a time of rich traditions and meaningful customs that reflect the country’s unique cultural heritage. From the meticulous cleaning ritual known as osoji to the serene hatsumode at shrines, every aspect of the Japanese New Year is steeped in symbolism and reverence. One of the key highlights of the Japanese … Read more

Discover the Heart and Passion Behind Fukuoka’s Famous Yatai Food Stall

In the vibrant city of Fukuoka, a renowned food stall stands out not only for its delicious dishes but also for the sense of community and passion that permeates its operations. The video delves into the behind-the-scenes of this beloved establishment, shedding light on the owner’s dedication to creating an inclusive environment for all patrons. … Read more

Exploring the Charm of the Japanese Countryside: Rice Planting, Bamboo Cooking, and Akiya House Hunting

Living in the picturesque countryside of Shikoku, Mika, Jesse, and Pancake navigate the beauty of spring by engaging in traditional activities like rice planting and cooking bamboo shoots. Embracing the abundance of nature around them, they immerse themselves in the agricultural practices of the local community. Rice planting, a communal effort that involves both manual … Read more