Japanese Tea Ceremony Explained – Matcha Tea Ceremony Utensils, Procedure and more!

The Japanese tea ceremony, known for its intricate steps and cultural significance, offers a unique insight into Japanese traditions. Rooted in promoting harmony, respect, purity, and tranquility, the ceremony goes beyond a simple beverage preparation process. The minimalist aesthetics of the tea room, with sparse decorations and essential utensils, set the stage for a ritual … Read more

The Art of Tea Ceremony: 4 Taboos You Need to Know Before Joining

Japanese tea ceremonies are rich in tradition and etiquette, creating a serene and harmonious environment for both hosts and guests. If you’re planning to partake in this cultural experience, there are essential taboos to be mindful of to ensure a respectful and enjoyable ceremony. Removing Accessories Before entering a tea ceremony, it’s crucial to remove … Read more